What Authors Say

Elaine Lin Hering,
Author of Unlearning Silence

Meghan really is magical. I spent months spiraling, stuck, and confused by conflicting advice about publishing. In 60 minutes with Meghan I had a working table of contents and a clear plan of action moving forward. I cannot say enough about her genius.”

Meghan Stevenson Books client Elaine Lin Hering

Vivian Tu,
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of Rich AF

“I am so grateful to Blair Thornburgh and Meghan Stevenson for coaching me through the book-writing process. Our weekly meetings and their constant support made writing this book an immeasurably enjoyable experience. I am so grateful.

Meghan Stevenson Books client, Vivian Tu, headshot

Natalie Nixon, Ph.D.,
CEO of Figure 8 Thinking and Author of The Creativity Leap

BY WORKING WITH MEGHAN, I WAS ABLE TO NAVIGATE THE CLIQUE THAT IS TRADITIONAL BOOK PUBLISHING. I used the core curriculum and the coaching in Platform Builders to learn how to refine and test my ideas. Over time, that work helped me grow my audience. My next book is set up for success in a way that my previous books simply were not. And that’s all because of Meghan’s expertise in publishing and entrepreneurship.”

Natalie Nixon, client of Meghan Stevenson Books

Neeta Bhushan,
Host of The Brave Table and Author of That Sucked Now What

“Not only did Meghan transform my proposal into something I was really proud of, working with Blair on my manuscript was next level. I interviewed many editors, many collaborators but Meghan and Blair were beyond my wildest dreams. YOU WILL NOT REGRET WORKING WITH THEIR EPIC TEAM.

Meghan Stevenson Books client and nonfiction author Neeta Bhushan

Denise Duffield-Thomas,
Author of Lucky Bitch, Get Rich Lucky Bitch, and Chillpreneur

“I came to Meghan with a single goal: to be published by Hay House. I had already self-published two books, but wanted a ‘real’ book deal. Meghan not only made that goal a reality, but guided me through the process of writing a book proposal and helped me find a top agent, too. I WOULD DEFINITELY RECOMMEND MEGHAN TO ANY ‘CHILLPRENEUR’ WHO WANTS TO PUBLISH A BOOK.

Denise Duffield-Thomas, client of Meghan Stevenson Books

Want results like these?

Rae McDaniel,
Founder of Practical Audacity

HIRING MEGHAN WAS THE BEST DAMN DECISION I MADE IN ALL OF 2021. She isn’t a literary agent, but will help you write a proposal and make the introductions that get you an agent and a deal. She took my dream of a book and turned that into a reality. She knows what she’s doing and made the agent/publisher-getting process a dream.”

Rae McDaniel, client of Meghan Stevenson Books

Jamila Souffrant,
Founder of Journey to Launch

“I loved working with Meghan on my book proposal. She took the time to understand what I wanted my book to be and used existing material in my business (an online course and a podcast) to develop initial drafts of the editorial content. MEGHAN ANSWERED EVERY QUESTION I HAD AND WAS A CONSTANT CHEERLEADER OF MY BRAND AND FUTURE BOOK. With her help, I was able to land a literary agent and a book deal in just a few weeks.”

Jamila Souffrant, client of Meghan Stevenson Books

Jen Kem,
Brand Strategist and Founder of Master Brand Institute, Mana Minerals, and Francisco Vineyards

“I’d been thinking about writing books for years, but after working with Meghan, I landed on a book idea that reflected what I wanted to share most with the world and my audience. Meghan was able to craft a proposal that attracted multiple literary agents, helped me choose the right agent for me (a priceless service!) and helped me revise the proposal so it was exactly what my literary agent wanted. Through the whole process, Meghan was supportive, insightful, and easy to work with. I WOULD RECOMMEND MEGHAN TO ANY ENTREPRENEUR WHO WANTS A TRADITIONAL BOOK DEAL.

Meghan Stevenson Books client Jen Kem

Ann Swanson, M.S.,
Author of Science of Yoga and Meditation for the Real World

“In just a 45-minute consult, Meghan gave me critical insights into the publishing industry that I have been missing for years! She is clear, to the point, and realistic. Meghan empowered me with actionable steps to move forward. From her decades of experience with top publishers, she has insider insights you can’t find elsewhere. If you are considering working with Meghan, get the consult call! It alone is well worth the value.”

Headshot of Ann Swanson

Kyle Schwartz,
Author of I Wish My Teacher Knew and I Wish For Change

MEGHAN WAS AN AMAZING COLLABORATOR. As a first-time author, she walked me through every step of the publishing process. She helped me find my voice, communicate my ideas clearly, and structure my book. Some people have a gift for supporting and encouraging others; Meghan is one of those people. Combine that with her experience in publishing and her expertise as an editor and you have one amazing partner.”

Meghan Stevenson Books client Kyle Schwartz

Want results like these?

Teri Ijeoma,
Founder of Trade + Travel

“I had a great experience working with Meghan and her team. Not only was Meghan able to translate my Trade + Travel online course into an amazing outline for a book, but she also crafted a proposal that attracted multiple offers from literary agents and publishers. She worked at my pace, with my schedule, and was always there as a resource. IF YOU ARE AN ENTREPRENEUR OR EXPERT WHO WANTS TO WRITE A BOOK, DEFINITELY TALK TO MEGHAN.

Headshot of Teri Ijeoma, client of Meghan Stevenson Books

Katrina Ubell, M.D.,
Founder of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians

“When I met Meghan, other editors, agents, and entrepreneurs all suggested that I pursue hybrid publishing. They believed it was unlikely I would get a traditional book deal and I was losing hope too. But Meghan disagreed and believed in my book wholeheartedly. She was able to see my vision and help it come to life on the page. SHE MADE MY BOOK PROPOSAL SO GOOD THAT I SECURED A LITERARY AGENT AND HAD NINE MAJOR PUBLISHERS INTERESTED WHEN WE SUBMITTED THE PROPOSAL TO EDITORS.

Portrait of Katrina Ubell, client of Meghan Stevenson Books.

Tonya Harris,
Founder of Slightly Greener

“When I met Meghan, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to write a book … I wasn’t sure my platform and audience were big enough. Meghan helped me develop my voice, feel confident in what I had to offer and offered a ton of encouragement. Working with her, I was able to get a literary agent and sell my book proposal. I’M SUPER EXCITED TO BE WRITING A BOOK, AND IT’S ALL THANKS TO HER HELP.

Tonya Harris, client of Meghan Stevenson Books, with Meghan

Jamie Sears,
Founder and CEO of Not So Wimpy Teacher and Author of How To Love Teaching Again

I HAVE WANTED TO WRITE A BOOK FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE. MEGHAN WAS THERE FOR ME DURING EVERY STAGE OF THE PROCESS. Don’t get me wrong—writing a book is hard. There have been days and even weeks where I have hated the process and the book. But I also felt an extreme sense of pride and excitement as I finished each step with her help, and looked forward to our calls every week. I am so grateful to Meghan and her team for helping me get my book out in the world.”

Meghan Stevenson Books client and author Jamie Sears

Susie Moore,
Author of Stop Checking Your Likes and What If It Does Work Out?

“I completed a draft of my book proposal but honestly … it was definitely a DRAFT. Meghan gave me priceless edits that helped me put my vision on the page. The framework she helped create for my book made finishing the manuscript a breeze and I know Stop Checking Your Likes will be a hit with my existing audience and be the perfect lead magnet for new fans. IF YOU’RE AN ENTREPRENEUR STRUGGLING TO WRITE OR FINISH YOUR PROPOSAL, YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WORK WITH MEGHAN.”

Meghan Stevenson Books Client Susie Moore

Want results like these?

Gretchen Reynolds,
New York Times bestselling author of The First 20 Minutes

I WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO FINISH MY BOOK WITHOUT MEGHAN. She helped me to organize its very complex and sprawling subject matter, encouraged and cajoled me to keep writing when I was feeling overwhelmed. Then she polished, pruned and greatly improved my prose. I would work with her again in a heartbeat.”

Meghan Stevenson Books client Gretchen Reynolds

Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner,
Author of Keep Marching

MEGHAN STEVENSON IS THE FASTEST, MOST CONCISE, AND EFFECTIVE EDITOR ON THE PLANET. She’s a true professional who provides highly actionable, constructive criticism in all the best ways. She is grace under deadline pressure personified. It was a joy to work with her.”

Meghan Stevenson Books client Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner

Jackie Wicks,
Author of The Cheat System Diet

“Meghan has a unique process that digs deep within the recesses of your brain and turns it into magic on paper. I’ve never seen anything like it. I WOULD BE IN A PANIC WITH SEVERE WRITERS BLOCK. BUT AFTER A SESSION WITH MEGHAN, I WOULD HAVE AN ENTIRE CHAPTER DRAFT DONE. SHE IS A BRILLIANT ORGANIZER. She has the unique ability to be open and listen and help you get the exact tone and feeling you envision for your work — a rare quality. My book would not be the book it is without her.”

Meghan Stevenson Books client Jackie Wicks

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Danica McKellar,
New York Times bestselling author

“Before going freelance, Meghan Stevenson was my go-to gal at Hudson Street Press for both Hot X: Algebra Exposed and Girls Get Curves: Geometry Takes Shape. She’s fun and professional and I’ll miss her dearly!”

Danica McKellar portrait

Leanne Jacobs,
Author of Beautiful Money

“Meghan has a magical gift to help you turn your book idea into a proposal worthy of a book deal! HER PROFESSIONALISM, EXPERTISE AND WISDOM IS GOLD STANDARD.

Meghan Stevenson Books client Leanne Jacobs

Emily Benson,
Founder of Boutique Training Academy

WORKING WITH MEGHAN WAS THE BEST EXPERIENCE. She’s the reason that my second book is a coherent, organized, and complete prescription for the boutique owners I work with and love so much. I feel an immense gratitude to her—both for the work we did together and for the fun and ease she brought to the process.”

Meghan Stevenson Books client Emily Benson

Brock Eide, M.D., M.A.,
and Fernette Eide, M.D.,
Authors of The Dyslexic Advantage

MEGHAN STEVENSON IS A FANTASTIC EDITOR IN EVERY RESPECT, AND IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE PLEASURE TO WORK WITH HER. Meghan was unfailingly prompt in reviewing our drafts, clear in communicating her ideas, and remarkably insightful in the suggestions she made. At her suggestion we materially restructured our book in a way that greatly contributed to its clarity and effectiveness. We would absolutely recommend Meghan without hesitation or qualifications to anyone looking for help with polishing a manuscript.”

Meghan Stevenson Books clients Brock Eide, M.D., M.A., and Fernette Eide, M.D.

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